Last Day - Mindfulness in Nature
What a brilliant day, but unfortunately it was also the last day of the Mindfulness in Nature course at Neston Community Centre. The courses have been running over the last 8 weeks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The weather throughout the course has been wonderful, the students great, everyone helped each other and the atmosphere calm and friendly. Thank you all for attending, sharing your stories and making my Thursdays. The morning group would like to continue in some form. They are going to meet up on Thursday 13th September at 10am for a coffee/tea a chat and a mindful walk around the park. Interested, please come along. Open to all. I'm sorry I cant attend. On Thursday 11th October between the classes I have arranged to have a mindfulness half hour for all those who have been on previous classes 12noon to 12.30pm. why not come along, it would be great to see you. The next FREE mindfulness in Nature starts 4th October, still some places left, give me a call if you are interested.07507 013283