A New Year is a time of self-examination, reflection, hope and change
With the New Year now upon us, it is a perfect time to look back over the previous twelve months. A time to pause, ponder, reflect on areas of your life you would like to change or improve in the New Year. Yes a time for a New Years resolution.
Your ambitions and aspirations for the New Year and the year ahead, your thoughts may be on hoping to lose weight, to stop smoking, change an addiction alcohol or gambling. Would you like to change your job or your social setting, but haven’t the confidence, or feel anxious to make those changes. Alter one of those phobias or fears like flying, heights, needles, insects. Or would you like to feel calmer, more relaxed, less tense whether at work or at home. Are there examination? Mock exams coming up which you would like to be able focus and improve your concentration.
Have you made a similar resolution each year, but not been able to see it through. If you haven’t the determination or self-control to make your resolutions become a reality, hypnotherapy may be the assistance you need to make those improvements in your life.
Begin your new journey with hypnotherapy, a great way of giving you that extra support and encouragement to achieve your wish this time. May be start a mindfulness course to feel calmer, more focused and being in the present moment. Make 2019 a year to remember for all the right reasons.
Why not have a chat with Bob to see how he may be able to help. 01925 860892 or 07507013283