Sleep tips for a better night’s sleep.
1. Make your bedroom as sleep friendly as possible, take out anything that doesn’t give harmony when you open the bedroom door. (Clutter)
2. Make the room as dark as possible, lining your curtains, black out blinds or eye masks, the dark the room the more melatonin produced (Sleep chemical)
3. Try not to use TV’s, computers, laptops mobile phones in your bedroom, they produce blue light which supress the production of melatonin.
4. Keep a moderate temperature in the room 16-18c. May be having the window ajar if it is safe to do so.
5. If you wake in the night don’t look at the clock, you produce adrenaline when you think of all the things you need to do and its only such a clock. Turn the clock away from you, you don’t need to know the time in the night..

6. If you wake in the night, try breathing in January breathing out February, go through the months of the year a couple of times, if you are still awake go backwards. Breathe in December breathe out November. Noticing your breathing allows you to feel calmer and saying the months of the year helps stop those harmful thoughts from coming into the mind.
7. Reduce the tea, coffee and coke (the drink) you are consuming after 6pm caffeine is a stimulant.
8. If you have a lot on your mind, write down the items before bed and say to yourself ‘I’m parking them’ let the thoughts go into the paper and out of your mind. You can pick up those thoughts the following day, if you need to.
9. Try and keep to a regular sleep pattern, where possible. Avoid sleeping in at weekends.
10. Avoid news or horror movies before bed. They can play on your mind.
11. Try and get fresh air during the day, exercise outside where possible. As the days are getting shorter and the sunlight is reducing we need to get as much daylight as possible as we produce more vitamin D
12. Eating junk food at 10pm at night may be a recipe for insomnia. Finish your evening meal a number of hours before bed, giving your digestive system time to digest your food. Avoid foods that repeat on you or are hard to digest.
13. If possible keep off suppers, but if you do, try dairy and carbohydrate products.
14. Tell yourself during the day ‘I’m looking forward to having a good night’s sleep’ instead of what we usually say ‘I bet I’m awake in the night’ Positive thoughts.
Hope your sleep patterns improve