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Mindfulness in Nature -Chester

Rainbow seen Mindful contact Nature

After eight weeks the Mindfulness in Nature course at the Countess of Chester Country Park comes to an end. A lovely place to practice Mindfulness with so many different parts to explore, from wooded walks, to walking by the canal to viewing the Welsh mountains to noticing the wildlife, Kingfishers, cormorants drying their wings.

Lucky with the weather only once did we get really wet. The sun shone on many occasions.

Students on the course found benefits from attending, feeling calmer, better relationships, more confidence and an improvement in their sleep patens.

Overall a great success for the Mindfulness classes at Chester’s Country Park. A big thank you for Alistair and Neil who let us use their ranger cabin.

I’m looking forward to next year where a programme of courses around the Cheshire area is being planned by Mersey Forest

Students Mindfulness Chester

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